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Dentistry In Blumenau CENTRO Brazil

Dentistry, dental, orthodontics, the best professionals to care for the health of your mouth and your teeth.
Clinica Saúde Bucal - Dr Alfredo Wuesch
The Dental Clinic Dr Alfredo Wuensch has been operating for over 40 years in the market always looking for the satisfaction of our customers. With a specialized treatment and innovative processes, here you will find all the comfort, tranquility and security for your oral health. Dr. Alfredo specializes in implantology, periodontics, perio-implant, plastic surgery and general practitioner, and the clinical features of skilled professionals in the areas of endodontics and orthodontics.
Clinica Saúde Bucal - Dr Alfredo Wuesch
The Dental Clinic Dr Alfredo Wuensch has been operating for over 40 years in the market always looking for the satisfaction of our customers. With a specialized treatment and innovative processes, here you will find all the comfort, tranquility and security for your oral health. Dr. Alfredo specializes in implantology, periodontics, perio-implant, plastic surgery and general practitioner, and the clinical features of skilled professionals in the areas of endodontics and orthodontics.